Thursday, September 13, 2012

Chopped The Big $4.40 for $3.2k

This was going to a post that asked the great cultural questions of our time such as "Is there a Japanese woman alive that doesn't have a pixelated vagina?".

However, I did manage to win my first MTT after doing a deal when it got heads up and flipping for the actual first place so I'll write about that instead!

It was a long night and this probably wont be much of a recap as I only slept for about 4 hours when I did finally hit the sack around 9.15am this morning.

The game itself is a bit of a blur.Not surprising really considering I bought 20 cigs yesterday ,didn't smoke one and still finished the packet with a last joint at 8am this morning!I remember thinking at about 3.30am that with the blinds going up surely the game couldn't go on too much longer.By 5am I was telling myself not to make any rash moves.The game had been going so long that to blow it all with an ill thought out move would have been stupid.

As usual as the money bubble burst and the pay jumps increased I didn't pay any attention to the lobby.It was only actually when I got heads up and the other guy proposed a deal that I realised there was almost $1k of a difference just for seeing off the 3rd place guy.( My QJ out flopped his 33)

I took the deal ( based on ICM numbers) as the chipleader had 10 million chips and I had 7 Million and with the blinds so high it was going to be a luckfest as to who took it down.I was pleased because I started 3 handed play as the shortstack and kept chipping away at the other shorty and trying to play smart ICM poker.My brain was mush by that point and all my sng experience helped get me through.

Some stats.I played 909 hands ,won 23/30 pots at showdown and won 105 pots without showing down my hand.The $3186.20 score is my second biggest MTT cash ever.

Away from the poker I've enjoyed my week off so far.On Monday night I cheered on Andy Murray as he won his first Major in New York.Not bad for a wee guy from just down the road!He's not everyone's cup of tea ( my Dad says Murray has no personality) but I like the fact he's just a normal Scottish bloke and doesn't feel like he has to act like he's some X Factor contestant on a fuckin' "journey"!Hopefully the US Open title is the first of many for him.

On Tues I was over helping Step A fill in a grant request form and yesterday I was out at the local soft play place with my sister and my 2 yr old nephew.

Not sure of tonights plan.I'm too tired to play much poker but I did use some FPP's to buy a ticket to the Big $55 on Stars so I may play that.Either that or some Call of Duty followed by some Dexter/Breaking Bad.

Back soon..


At Friday, 14 September, 2012, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good shooting mate ;-)


At Saturday, 15 September, 2012, Blogger Littleacornman said...

Thanks mate.Fine result for the clarets today too!

At Thursday, 20 September, 2012, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ghey chop, nice score bro ! (.. but 9.15am fml ..)
thats more than I've ever won, but hey, more than I've ever spent, lol




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