Thursday, August 30, 2007

Bring on the Barca!

My cousin came over on Tuesday night and we watched Rangers get the 0-0 draw required to send us into the group stages of the Champions league.It's worth about £10 million to the club and qualification is vital to a club of Rangers stature.Just seen the draw for the group stages and we've got a tough group.
It's Barcelona,Stuttgart and Lyon!I can't wait to see Ronaldinho,Messi,Henry and Eto at Ibrox! Roll on!

We logged onto Stars afterwards and I let my cousin play a few wee $3 sng's on my account and although he's played a few live games,he's never played online and was baffled by the speed of the action.If someone takes more than 5 seconds to make their move it feels like forever to me and I'd forgotten how quick it seems when you're not used to it.

Last night was the Raisetheriver Heads up shoot-out and I played Mr Cloud in the first round.It was a tight battle which swung back and forth a few times without either of us taking a huge lead.Eventually with two Jacks on the board and both of us holding a Jack,we got our money in the middle and Mr Clouds ten kicker beat mine and out I went.Mr C played well and I'm glad he went on to beat several others and win the whole thing.

Tonight is the Snooze holdem event! Yes,it's the Fixed Limit event and although I'm strictly a No Limit player, I will give it a go.First up is a visit to the garage to get my Car cd player working again followed by picking up Nacho and heading over to my Mum and Dads for dinner.( ex Mrs A is away until Sat)

Ok, don't forget to register for Sundays Britbloggerment game on Stars....

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At Thursday, 30 August, 2007, Blogger Swifty said...

Don't mention Barcelona :(
I should be there now railing at the EPT.
And getting very pissed.


At Friday, 31 August, 2007, Blogger dD said...

ouch cell !! what happened ?


glad u r looking forward to these great players showing their talents at Ibrox, only one fly in the ointment .... they all play for the opposing team ...

we are gonna get so humped in Europe ... mr Smiths one-up-front ten-in-the-box tactics will see to that !!

lmfao ! i am gonna put a deep sea diver on us to make it to the next round ... he he he

i like to donate, after all.



At Friday, 31 August, 2007, Blogger Swifty said...

It was a flight of fancy really - mentioned to microlimitdonkey that we could get cheap flights over there and have a laugh but he couldn't do it at such short notice (added to ahich it was in between two summer holidays he was/is having, lucky donk!).

We then ended booking a holiday to Gran Canaria anyway so the funds were expended elsewhere!

At Friday, 31 August, 2007, Blogger Littleacornman said...

You'll be getting half decent odds on that then dD! Anything can happen on the night....

Cell:Gran Canaria's not a bad 2nd best to Barcelona!


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