Friday, December 07, 2007

Fee Fie Fo Fum...

I’ve had this great idea for a horror movie.The main character is a poker player pushed over the edge by constant bad beats.He decides to set up a poker blog and eventually lures three unsuspecting Southerners to his lair on the premise of a home game before chopping 'em up and feeding them to his handsome hound,Nacho....

Looks like it’s all coming together.Juice,Mr Edge and Rosie arrive on Sat.The plan is to head out for dinner to the Auldhouse Arms on Sat evening, before meeting up the the s-man,Dudley and my cousin before heading over to the Big Chaps for some poker.We should home in plenty of time to watch the big fight from Vegas.( Hatton v Mayweather)

I’m in a better mood today after finding out that the new seating plan at my work which had me sitting next to a right nasty biatch was actually a wind up by my workmates! I fell for it hook line and sinker.The bassas! We were also told ( this time for real) that we are getting a new big boss and she wants to mix up all the teams, so I should have a new boss and new seat soon…which is nice!

Not much to report on the poker front.A few fruitless $6 games and a 3rd place in a $16 last night.I did notice someone reply to Burnley Mik on a raisetheriver thread telling him to stop whining about bad beats when he has an roi ( return on investment) of 16% at Stars turbos games.My roi is similar, but it doesn’t stop the beats from hurting when they start coming thick and fast.It’s hard to shake the feeling that if only my luck was better I could hit at least 25% roi but that’s probably me kidding myself.You can’t beat a bit of self delusion if you’re a poker player!

Ok, Back with more posts next week.Tonight the ex is coming over for dinner and to clean my flat.I’m also popping out to see a man about a dog...

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At Friday, 07 December, 2007, Blogger Rod said...

I feel for you anyway. I had it pretty nice at work but now they moved a guy that hacks and snorts and talks constantly across from me.

Any question directed at ME he answers.


At Friday, 07 December, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yo high priest acorn

i got the gold goblets to drink their blood with ...



btw you bringing the goats head altar *)

At Saturday, 08 December, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lmfao be afwaid be very afwaid rosie, dD n crew he's planning on eating ya for breakfast lol

Have fun guys, I coulda made it now but its short notice n too late now :) glglglgl have a beer for me.


At Monday, 10 December, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aye,nothing worse than spending 8 hours a day next to a total plonker! Hope you get a move soon Grinder!

Lol at Dudley and Mair.Catch you both soon at the felt...


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