Sunday and Month end stats
Pokerroom $839 Inter $1120 Ladbrokes $1663 Party $215 . Total $3837 ( + $ 174 for week).
Monthly score + $ 423 Total 60 hours cash game play.
Total profit from Oct 31st '05 = $ 2499 .
With 6 months of my poker year gone so far I'm on course to match last years total profit earning aprox $7 per hour from my hobby.
Mrs A is still staying at her Dads for now.I was over yesterday and today and have just got back.They all seem to be coping well under the circumstances.
I'm off work tomorrow for the bank holiday so the plan is to walk Nacho, eat my microwave Carbonara and hit the tables....
Congrats on a positive month at the tables, but hope Mrs. A and your family make it through well this week.
good skills mr A.
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