Friday, March 16, 2007

Blogger/Reader Tourney!

BurnleyMik,Yorkshire Pud and I are delighted to announce ( feck me that sounds a bit formal ,we aint getting engaged !) the inaugural UK Blogger/reader tourney on Sunday March 25th at 9pm BST.( 4pm EST ).No fancy banners as yet ( any volunteers?) though the name for the first one in the lobby ( any name suggestions welcome too) is Britbloggerment and can be found under the tourney /private section of the lobby at Pokerstars.The password ( lowercase) is donkament and the entry fee for this No Limit holdem game is only $5.50.

It's about time us Brits got our act together and ran a few games.The US bloggers ( who along with the rest of the world are more than welcome to play in our game) have regular tourneys and I'd be there most weeks if they didn't start after midnight most of the time.

Please support this tourney ( feck I sound like I'm begging now!) and if your a blogger feel free to pimp it up!

Thanks and hopefully see you there....


At Friday, 16 March, 2007, Blogger MiasDaddy said...

of all the dates to choose from, and you pick the date I'm in Edinburgh on a stag weekend!!


At Friday, 16 March, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

tourney pimped at all the blogs i lurk that allow anon comments :))



At Saturday, 17 March, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reckon i could make that one. You paying me in Yasser?

At Saturday, 17 March, 2007, Blogger Littleacornman said...

More chance of you needing a haircut s-man ;-)

Dang Mark.Enjoy your weekend in Scotlands second city :-)

Nice work dD.You registered yet?!

At Saturday, 17 March, 2007, Blogger Nick said...

Great work lads.

I'm pimping it already.

At Saturday, 17 March, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll give it a go :)

At Saturday, 17 March, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems to be building quite nicely! 4 Entrants Already.


At Saturday, 17 March, 2007, Blogger Littleacornman said...

So far so good! There still seems to be a little confusion over the start time though.The US put their clocks forward early so it's 4pm est and 8pm UK time.

4 registered and counting....

At Saturday, 17 March, 2007, Blogger Juice said...

Im going to have to register a new account but hey you know the cahnce to take on those flabby americans is hard to pass up!

At Saturday, 17 March, 2007, Blogger Littleacornman said...

I'm pleased to hear it Juice and I hope Mr Edge and Rosie will make it too.

No US players registered yet but I'm really hoping some of them do make it.( and Canadians too eh Klopzi!)

At Sunday, 18 March, 2007, Blogger Littleacornman said...

Excellent Tan,look forward to seeing you there mate.


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