Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Oil Painting Speaks...

I caught up with my neighbour tonight and as per my last post I told her I agreed that we'd better off as friends and friends with benefits would be even better.I didn't get a slap and who knows,it may even get me a shag one night.

The online dating thing is quite amusing.My theory is to start messaging women who are well out of my league first of all and work my way down.Knowing my luck, by this time next year I'll be married to the elephant man's sister.

There's a gallery option to view twenty pictures at a time and it's a fair mixed bag!As well as the hot chicks and cute girl next door types, there are women with horsey faces,shiny women with shiny chins and foreheads and ladies with Tefal heads.Not that I'm any great oil painting but some women don't even have faces,just teeth! Then there's the women who claim to be in their 30's when they look like they've seen more than a few frosty mornings,pictures of women with their arms round an ex or on a ski slope to show what an all round action girl they are.

The daft quizzes people post make me smile too.If chemistry was based on answers to questions about likes/dislikes and views on life I doubt I'd have got together with any of my ex's!

I had intended to go and play some poker today, but Nacho started coughing badly last night and I took him to the vets today.It seems he may have something called Kennel Cough.It's almost like he's choking on a fur ball at times but hopefully the antibiotics the vet gave me ( well didn't exactly give at £45 a go!)will do the trick and clear things up.

I did hit the tables last night and played some of the $22's on Party and the new $15's on Stars.The $15's are actually $13.89+ $1.11 and I've already read a post on 2+2 showing a 5% roi grinder will only make 48c per game profit instead of the 80c per game that a 5% roi would have made at the old $15+$1 buy-in level.It's hard enough to grind out decent hobby money and make it worthwhile due to the reduced traffic and tougher games without this development.Maybe it's time to finally give Mtt's a real go.

Just off the phone to my Dad and my folks bumped into a girl I used to go out with in my teens at a local fair today.We were best friends with for years afterwards too until we all kinda fell out over nothing in particular about 12 years ago.She hung about in our group with the s-man,Miami Trout,Mrs Trout and another bloke I haven't seen for years.I asked my sister to pass on my email/blog addy as neither the s-man or I are on the Facebook thing and it would be nice to catch up and say hello.If you do happen to read this W then Lightbulb says hi from the back of the wardrobe somewhere!

The s-man and I are probably the only people in the world still not on Facebook/Twitter, but I like my privacy and would much rather share my thoughts with just some of my friends and all the fine strangers who stop by this space to read my witterings.

It'll be six years worth of pish spouted by May 31st and although it often feels like I'm repeating myself and running out of blogging steam I still enjoy getting things off my chest on these pages.I've also met some amazing people ( and Dudley hehe) via my scribblings here,gained/lost a girlfriend from it and even been on an all expenses paid trip to London to watch a poker show being filmed.( whilst watching out for spaniels eh Bully!)

Now that bloglines has gone and I've never really got the hang of google reader I don't read or comment on as many other blogs as I used to.I do try and keep my blogroll up to date though so if any genuine bloggers would like to swap links just drop me a comment/email and I'll add you to my sidebar thing.

Thanks for reading.Back soon...

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At Saturday, 21 May, 2011, Blogger lightning36 said...

The neighbor situation is strange. Maybe it is a cultural thing I can not understand -- I don't know. Looks she is using you for what she wants whenever her little heart desires it. Excellent move talking about being friends but slipping in the benefits comment!

Please add me to your blog roll. I will reciprocate. Any friend of Josie should be okay by me. : o )

At Saturday, 21 May, 2011, Anonymous Greedy Rosie said...

I think Twitter is fun. It's not as if you can't keep your tweets private if you want to.

At Sunday, 22 May, 2011, Blogger Littleacornman said...

Cheers Lightning.Who knows what the neighbour is thinking.Moved on anyway now so I'm certainly not going to dwell on it! Added your blog to my sidebar too.Thanks for linking mine.

Rosie: Well your twitter is quite entertaining but I'll probably get into it just as something new comes along to take its place!

At Tuesday, 24 May, 2011, Blogger SirFWALGMan said...

"The daft quizzes people post make me smile too.If chemistry was based on answers to questions about likes/dislikes and views on life I doubt I'd have got together with any of my ex's!"

Could be a reason they are all ex's? :P. Good luck with the dating scene.

At Wednesday, 25 May, 2011, Blogger Littleacornman said...

Ha,good point Waffles!


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