Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Zimmer not a Winner!

It's been a bit frustrating at the tables so far this month over nearly 450 hyper turbos.Although I'm just about even at the $7's,I cashed in $75 of "stellar cash rewards" and didn't cash in any of the three $30 games I played with the money.

With $3950 online at Stars I could afford to give myself 100 buy-ins to step up and really try the $30's.I did flirt with the idea of hitting them at 3am last Sat night after a poor run at the $7's but I didn't want to play them in a "chasing losses" frame of mind and I'll maybe give them a shot this weekend instead.

Away from the felt I'm nearly organised for Xmas.My Mum has got the poker bug back recently and has asked for a renewed Sharkscope subscription as a Xmas gift.I thought after buying her a "Build your own Zimmer frame" for her birthday last week that she would be happy for me to choose her present but apparently not...

I'm doing my bit to help reduce youth unemployment by paying Step A to clean my flat as I write this.Apart from everything being "retarded" she's doing a fine job!

Dudley sent me a text earlier to ask about using Explorer 9 with Blogger.I haven't a clue as I haven't upgraded yet.In truth I'm not a big fan of upgrades or change in general.A recent highlight in my exciting fun-filled life was discovering the local supermarket was stocking "original" Shreddies instead of the crappy "new flavour" ones they brought in a few months ago.

Ok,thanks for reading.Back soon...


At Wednesday, 14 December, 2011, Anonymous Rosie said...

Don't pay Step-A to clean your flat, Acorn, you're like the living embodiment of the patriarchy.


At Thursday, 15 December, 2011, Blogger Maxwell Adams said...

Hey buddy,

Can't imagine my mother asking for a Sharkscope subscription!

Do you know of anything similar for cash games?

Donkey Face

At Thursday, 15 December, 2011, Blogger dD said...

@rosie love yer comments, there's always a word in there that one needs to double check ....

@df .. I'd like to know of anything similar for the cash tarbs too

Zagga, I sincerely hope she is ONLY cleaning .... ;)

as for the 30's .. seen your variance at 7's :) just no way I'd handle the actual variance (dollar value wise) at higher limits !!
very best of if you give it a shot



At Thursday, 15 December, 2011, Blogger Littleacornman said...

Good point Rosie, but sadly I don't think she would be happy to clean without payment ;-)

Mr Edge:Yeah it is quite cool my Mum is 66 and still playing poker online.Just wish she would listen to me and she might actually beat the game! I've only used the free version of Poker Table Ratings and it seems decent for tracking cash players.Might be worth a look.

Dudley:Nacho's gonna bite yer leg next time you're round for yer cheek re Step A!

It's the variance that puts me off trying the $30's.Huge swings are so common that I'd need to get used to being $1200 down ( standard 40 buy-in downswing)and I'm not sure I could deal with that.Maybe giving myself 100 buy-ins overall and a 10 buy-in stop loss per session is the way to give them a go.


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