Saturday, March 18, 2006

Goodnight and Good luck

Thanks to Rosie for the support during last nights $3k gtd on Interpoker.I finished 26th from 300 for a $21 payout.I really enjoyed the change of pace from the 6 max tables though I should probably have pushed harder on a couple of occasions and stolen the blinds more often too.I folded AK to a push and would have split a big pot.Also folded A10 sooted UTG when it was probably at least worth trying to steal.

I hit the Interpoker 6 max cash tables afterwards and managed a decent winning session.One big difference was that my man cold has just about cleared up and my 3 days off sick have allowed me to catch up on missed sleep.

Sure all the books say not to play when tired or unwell but how many of actually stick to it? I certainly will be from now on.I felt like a completely different player last night.My best ever poker run came after my 2 week break last September and while a rush is a rush I'm fairly sure having a fresh patient attitude contributed big time.

In future after 12 hour overnight sessions I'll take a few days away to give me a chance to recover mentally and physically.I remember writing here that just before I left for my last holiday I had big puffy bags under my eyes and looked like a man who spent too much time in a cupboard playing poker.Thanks to the last few days thats not the case this time round but I'm going to try and be more relaxed about the game when I return.

The old battle in my head between just playing for a fun hobby and itching to reach and overtake last years profit total will be continued!

Sandy is popping up tonight and the rest of our packing has to be done.Taxi for the airport is booked for 7.45am Sunday so no mega late poker sessions for me.I'll post the weekly figures just now and edit later if required.

Interpoker $867 ,Ladbrokes $1423,Party $149 ( $100 dep now withdrawn) and Pokerroom $763. Total $3202 ( + $120 for week).

Edit: Nice wee night at the tables tonight.Bubbled in a $5 sng then made $100 in 2 hours.Gotta love Laddys and Interpoker 6 max nl at the weekends.( esp from 11pm onwards). 1.36am. Goodnight...

Ok thats it for now and until Mon 27th.Looking forward to a week chilling out in the sunshine.I went to see EK Thistle go down 4-2 in the cup to Superleague champions Pollock and I'm just starting to get the feeling back in my feet.( damn cold)

Good luck to Juice with his challenge.Sorry I'm going to miss out on the blogger games coming up.

Thanks to all who take the time to stop by here to read/comment.Very much appreciated.

Good luck to all at the tables over the next week while I'm away.Happy fishing!


At Saturday, 18 March, 2006, Blogger Juice said...

Acorn, you are not accepting an oscar for gods sake! you're only going on holiday!

At Saturday, 18 March, 2006, Blogger Littleacornman said...

May the fish bite your arse ye cheeky bassa!

Catch you when I get back...

At Saturday, 18 March, 2006, Blogger Juice said...

have a good one! :-)

At Tuesday, 21 March, 2006, Blogger Rod said...

How is Ladbrokes - have you looked at the full ring tables??

At Sunday, 26 March, 2006, Blogger Poker Jones said...


Glad you're trolling the 6-max tables with success. Far more enjoyable (and profitable) than full ring where fish too often school to your detriment.


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