Saturday, November 29, 2008

Twisting my melon

Start time for Brit Blogger is 4pm est/9pm gmt...All welcome!

The patient is doing well and I'm sure he'll be back chasing his football in no time!I've hidden in it the cupboard so he doesn't need to walk past it every time he goes in and out my flat.I do wish he'd stop trying to chew his bandage off though.My carpet isn't doing so well unfortunately and I may need to get someone in to give it a proper clean.

The poker continues to twist my melon.

I only played a couple of games on Thursday evening late on and my heart and head weren't really in it.Last night I 4 tabled the $16's on Stars and continued to run like crap.It's the same boring old story of sick beats and lost races.I did manage a win and second place from the last of my 16 games to leave me $50 up for the night, but it's getting quite sickening on Stars just now.

Thankfully ( although this month has been quite static)Party and other sites have been a little kinder.I just hope my Stars curse lifts shortly and I can put together a decent run there.On the upside I'm not bleeding money running this badly and if I can hit a wall like this and still almost break even I suppose I shouldn't complain too much.

Plan for tonight is to remember to play Dr Paulys PLO game and to enjoy Jacks company! There's a possibility of some white widow coming my way next week.Wipeout!

Righty,thanks for reading.Back tomorrow with my rubbish stats for the month...

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