Monthly Stats + Hats off to Pokerstars!
As much as I try and focus on volume and not short-term results I do still check the Cashier on a regular basis during my sessions and last night when I logged on I did seem to have a slightly higher balance than I remembered.Now considering I was remembering the balance I'd last viewed at 3am after many many smokes,I didn't think much of it.
I've just checked my emails and found one from Stars support letting me know I've been refunded $67 as I played against other players who were breaking Stars terms and conditions.The nature of the rule breaking is confidential ( I'd love to know!) but well done to Stars for picking up on it and issuing refunds.
Now all they need to do is create a $15 6 max hyper turbo level as the jump from $7 to $30 is too much.
Stats for Dec 1st-31st: Pokerstars $4736 ( + $749) Party $604 ( =)
Volume = 1127 games.( mostly 6 max hyper turbos) Total Profit $749
Total Bankroll $5340.
Managed to come close to my record last night,playing 106 sngs over the course of the evening.It gets a bit fast and furious but I can now 8 table the 6 max hyper games ( in one stack) and if I can 8 table those games I reckon I could probably play 10-12 full ring turbo's/Mtts.
I'm only 246 vpps from Goldstar status this month and with an exciting Hogmanay at the tables planned I may just achieve that by midnight.
Thanks to everyone who has read my witterings over the last 12 months and especially to those who take the time to comment.This blog may not be read by millions but with an aging population and the number one spot on google for the phrase "senile old bassa" the only way is up.
Enjoy your Hogmanay and may you have a healthy and happy 2012 with plenty of run good at the tables.Back soon....
Labels: Dudley, Monthly stats, old bassa, senile
Happy new year Acorn
Happy New Year Acornman and keep bashing those turbs!
Happy New Year
Good luck for 2012
Hey buddy,
You probably don't want to approve this comment, but how do you use Sharkscope when it is against the terms and conditions of stars? I am thinking about trying pokeredge but it is prohibited too.
I may be wrong but I'm fairly sure Stars only problem with Sharkscope is using it when you have their poker client open which of course I would never do!
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