Twittering Teeth
For anyone wondering if I've always been a tight bastard who uses too many brackets ( who me?) in his writing I submit the note below. Noticed it on my Mum and Dad's digital photo frame and thought it might make my readers smile.
Oh and I'll probably regret this and delete the account later but after a few smokes yesterday I signed up for twitter under zaggapoker@heavysprinkles.I can't even find the hashtag key on my keyboard so I don't see me lasting long on there.Signing up for a "social media" account when I'm an anti-social git with nothing to say is another reason I probably won't be tweeting for long but I'm on now and will give it a go.The "heavy sprinkles" name comes from a story on my favourite football forum about a ned ordering fish and chips and when asked if he'd like salt n vinegar he gave the legendary reply, "Aye,heavy sprinkles man".
Got an unexpected day off work today after Nacho ran away this morning when I let him out the front.( he's back now) No long lie in or late Sunday night playing poker and a days leave wasted = one dog who can consider himself very lucky to still have his bollocks intact!
Back soon...